

Method Wakker!

About Rutger Schuurman


Private individuals


Motivation Workshop

For whom?
Departments in which the duties and responsibilities are clear, yet the employees are experiencing difficulties in increasing their motivation and enjoyment in their work.

Although extrinsic motivation is certainly not unimportant, in this workshop we focus on intrinsic motivation: the motivation that comes from within; this increases the pleasure and satisfaction we get from performing tasks that we work on with others, or on our own. When intrinsic motivation increases, not only the psychological well-being grows but often with it, productivity.

Key points
1. The collective creation of a culture of knowledge-sharing and teamwork instead of a culture of politics and competition.
2. Demonstration of appreciation and respect for one another's accomplishments instead of just pointing out shortcomings, or worse: ignoring others' achievements. This leads to more self-appreciation, better performance and greater intrinsic motivation.
3. Assigning and accepting responsibility and having freedom of movement instead of assigning or completing rigid assignments.

"People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily." (motivational speaker Zig Ziglar)





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